
28.11.2023 Slovak Open Science Forum

The 1st Slovak Open Science Forum was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

Presentations are available in the Zenodo repository.

  1. How SPARC Europe is helping create a stronger, more resilient and more sustainable OS ecosystemVanessa Proudman (SPARC Europe)
  2. Open Access Publishing in the Czech Republic Jiří Jirát (NTK, Praha)
  3. Transition to Open Access  – Maria Kadlec Markova  (Springer Nature)
  4. Responsible Research Assessment Where is it and how to get there? (panel discussion with Miloslav Bahna and Toma Susi (COARA), prof. Martin Kanovský (MŠVVaŠ SR), Charlotte Wien (Elsevier)
  5. Open Science in SlovakiaJitka Dobbersteinová (CVTI SR)
  6. Polish network of Open Science Competence Centers – sharing knowledge and good practices in the data steward’s community – Anna Walek (SANO, IATUL);
  7. Open Science Education at doctoral level Eva Hnátková (NTK, Praha)
  8. Open Access and Open Licensing – Gabriela Fišová (CVTI SR)

Meet our speakers

Click here for more information about our speakers.

The event featured presentations by European experts in the field of open science, as well as representatives of publishing houses. The experts talked about open access publishing, transformative agreements, open science education or open science in Slovakia and discussed how to create a resilient and sustainable open science ecosystem.

The conference was held in English.