
Slovak Open Science Forum

Konferencia otvorenej vedy prináša najnovšie informácie z rôznych oblasti otvorenej vedy, medzi ktoré patrí napríklad otvorený prístup k výskumným informáciám, manažment výskumných dát, hodnotenie vedeckej činnosti či občianska veda.

Informácie sú určené vedeckej a akademickej obci, akademickým knižniciam, ale aj študentom a verejnosti.

Konferencia sa koná v anglickom jazyku a prezentujúcimi sú prevažne zahraniční odborníci z oblasti otvorenej vedy.

The conference brings the latest information in different areas of open science, including open access to research data, research data management, research assessment and citizen science.

The information is aimed at the scientific and academic community, academic libraries, as well as students and the public. 

The conference is held in English and the presenters are mostly international experts in the field of open science.

The Slovak Open Science Forum is being held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic.


Please, register here.


10:00 – 10:15 Welcome

10:15 – 10:45 Johan Rooryck (Coalition S, BE) – cOAlition S: the road ahead

In this presentation, we will discuss the current activities and future plans of cOAlition S in moving to a scholarly communication system that enables rapid, open, transparent, and equitable sharing of trustworthy scientific knowledge.

10:45 – 11:15 Laetitia Bracco (l’Université de Lorraine, FR) – French Open Science Monitoring

Since 2018, France has a National Open Science Plan meant to impulse and develop the opening of all scientific outputs: publications, data, software, clinical trials… Since 2019, the French Open Science Monitor (FOSM) tries to capture the efficiency of this public policy through different indicators. This paper will present the latest version of the FOSM, which focuses on research data and software.

11:15 – 11:45 TBA

11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 – 12:30 Rita Pinhasi (KOMO consortium, AT) – Open access publishing in Austria

12:30 – 13:00 Mária Kadlec (SpringerNature, CZ) – Accelerating open science with tools not rules

Although researchers are increasingly opening up their papers, peer reviews, data, protocols, code and other research outputs, progress towards a world in which scientific knowledge is as open as it can be, has been slow.  In this talk, I’ll look at some of the key milestones on the long road to open science and I’ll describe how tools rather than rules are helping researchers improve the transparency, reproducibility, and integrity of their research.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 14:30 TBA

14:30 – 15:00 Slovak Reproducibility Network – TBA


Information will be available soon.


The Slovak Open Science Forum takes place at the Pálffy palace at 47 Zámocká street in Bratislava. The Pálffy palace is located close to the Zochova bus stop and Kapucínska tram stop.