
28.10.2022 Úvod do Open Research Europe (An Introduction to Open Research Europe)

Úvod do Open Research Europe (An Introduction to Open Research Europe)

Open Research Europe (ORE) je platforma Európskej komisie na publikovanie otvoreným prístupom, ktorá bola spustená v marci 2021 a pokrýva oblasti ako poľnohospodárstvo, veterinárne vedy, technológia, humanitné vedy a umenie, lekárske a zdravotnícke vedy, prírodné vedy a spoločenské vedy. V súčasnosti má viac ako 250 publikácií a je indexovaná v Scopus, ERIH Plus a Inspec. V tomto webinári sa dozviete viac o tom, ako publikovať s ORE, ako benefitovať z otvoreného recenzného konania a ako sa zapojiť do otvorenej vedy.

Webinár sa uskutočnil 28.10.2022  v anglickom jazyku. 

Prezentuje: Georgina Durowoju, Content Acquisition Editor 

Open Research Europe (ORE) is the European Commission’s open access publishing platform. The new platform offers Horizon-funding program beneficiaries and their collaborators, with a high-quality publishing venue which follows high scientific standards and open data sharing practices. ORE was launched in March 2021, covering 6 major research areas: agricultural and veterinary sciences, engineering & technology, humanities & the arts, medical & health sciences, natural sciences, and social sciences. The multidisciplinary platform currently has over 250 publications, and has been accepted for indexation in Scopus, ERIH PLUS, Inspec, as well as awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) seal. In this session, we invite attendees to learn about the unique publishing model utilized on Open Research Europe, how to benefit from our post-publication open peer review and how to participate in open science.

Link na webinár.

Link na prezentáciu.