Publications to download

Publications and information materials published on our website are in the Slovak language. There is a subpage with shorter information materials or guides, and a subpage with books and textbooks. For more information and actual materials, go to Informačné materiály or Publikácie.

Sprievodca svetom vedeckého publikovania.

(A Guide to the World of Scientific Publishing)

This is the second updated edition published in 2023.

A guide to the world of scholarly publishing takes the reader from the dawn of the first scholarly journals to the latest open publishing platforms. It follows the journey of a scholarly article from conception and writing to finding a trusted journal and the pitfalls of peer review, to publishing, assessing research, managing electronic information resources, and envisioning the future of libraries in the digital age.

An electronic version of the publication is available in the Zenodo open repository ( or If you are interested in the print version, contact us at

2023 – Usmernenia UNESCO pre open access vydavateľov k implementácii Odporúčania UNESCO o otvorenej vede

(Checklist for open access publishers on implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science)

A checklist is part of UNESCO Toolkit designed to support implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. The aim is to provide practical assistance to the open access publishing community to better understand the Recommendation by highlighting the areas that apply to open access publishers who wish to support its implementation.

Metodické odporúčanie a model na tvorbu a implementáciu inštitucionálnej politiky otvorenej vedy pre inštitúcie vykonávajúce vedu a výskum

(Methodological Recommendation for Developing and Implementing Institutional Open Science Policy for Research Performing Institutions)

Cesta k otvorenej vede. Praktická príručka pre doktorandov.

(A Journey to Open Science. A practical guide for PhD students)

Original publication in English: Passport for Open Science. A practical guide for PhD students.

A handbook designed to guide graduate students through every step of the research process, from planning a scientific approach to publishing research results. It provides a set of tools and best practices that can be directly implemented in research in any field.

Analýza APC poplatkov vynakladaných slovenskými výskumnými inštitúciami na publikovanie zlatou cestou otvoreného prístupu za rok 2021 - APC Analysis Slovakia for 2021

Analysis of APCs paid by Slovak research performing institutions for gold OA publishing in 2021

Publishing in open access is becoming a standard in Europe and Slovakia. Costs paid for scholarly communication present a significant part of the costs for science. A substantial part of this amount comes from the state or European Commission budgets, i.e., from public finances. 

In this analysis, we used the data from the Web of Science database. We made an estimate of the total amount and structure of the funds (considering paying institutions, accepting publishers and journal titles), which authors from the Slovak research institutions probably spent in 2021 on scholarly publishing in open access journals (APCs, article processing charges).

Description of the study:

Data for 2021 were extracted from the Web of Science in 2022.

The analysis is part of The Slovak National Strategy for Open Science 2021-2028. It was performed as one of the Action Plan for Open Science 2021-2022 tasks.  

The main aim of the APCs analysis was to determine the amount of APCs paid by researchers in Slovak institutions in 2021. 

The second goal was to find out in which journals/publishers Slovak institutions published the most

The study also showed how many APCs were paid to “controversial” publishers.

The study provided data for negotiating transformative agreements with big publishers. Three such agreements were concluded with Springer Nature, IEEE and Elsevier early in 2023 and they directly support researchers affiliated with Slovak research performing and academic institutions as they do not have to pay themselves for publishing in open access. Thanks to these agreements, more OA articles published by Slovak institutions will also be published in the following years.

In addition, policymakers, RPIs and academic institutions, and funders can use the study results when preparing open access and open science policies and budgets for open access publishing.

The study is available in Slovak in the Zenodo repository.

Sprievodca licenciami Creative Commons [nielen]  pre autorov monografií z oblasti spoločenských vied.

(A Guide to Creative Commons Licenses (not only) for humanities and social science monograph authors)

Original publication in English: Guide to Creative Commons for humanities and social science monograph authors.

The guide is a Slovak translation of the Guide to Creative Commons for humanities and social science monograph authors. It provides information on public licenses and their use (not only) in the social sciences and specific information relevant to the Slovak environment (e.g., copyright law and public licenses).

Úvod do otvoreného prístupu.

(Introduction to Open Access)

A UNESCO textbook.

Let’s open science!

An information brochure about Open Science Support Department.