National Strategy for Open Science

The National Strategy for Open Science (the National Strategy) aims to create a sustainable paradigm of participation of all stakeholders in science and research in Slovakia in the implementation of open science global principles in disseminating, mutual sharing, reusing, and making research outputs available in Slovakia. Furthermore, it shall foster the development of domestic and international scientific cooperation, public and private sector cooperation, scientific structure improvement, education of new generations of researchers and higher education teachers, and the creation of an environment of better-quality strategic research management and education.


The National Strategy aims to improve the availability of Slovak science results and change the system of research and evaluation processes towards greater transparency, reproducibility, and integrity. Openness increases the visibility of the work of researchers and research institutions, the scientometric parameters of Slovak scientists, and the development of domestic and international cooperation. It also strengthens the connections with the private and public sectors, which ultimately increases the quality of research output. However, the merits of open science exceed an academic environment. The dissemination of open science practices contributes to the modernization of education and the digital transformation of society and increases economic competitiveness.


The National Strategy presents an integral part of the Action Plan of the Open Government Partnership Initiative 2020-2021. The goal is to harmonize the development of Slovak science and research with the Recommendation of the EU of 2012 on access to and preservation of scientific information and its 2018`s update and with the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Guidelines on the rules of open access to scientific publications and research data.

National Strategy for Open Science

for years 2021-2028 (English version)