Webinars and workshops


Stay current with free online expert talks. Online presentations on topics related to open science, research assessment and visibility, electronic information resources, and scholarly communication. We offer customized webinars tailored to users’ requirements. Our webinars are in Slovak and free of charge.
Discover. Learn. Succeed.

Target groups: librarians, students, researchers, academic community.


  • academic publishing
  • science and research online visibility
  • trends in research assessment
  • searching for e-journals and e-books
  • searching licensed databases and electronic information resources
  • searching open access resources

For more details and recordings of previous webinars, got to:




We bring up-to-date topics based on the extensive experience of invited national and international experts. We regularly organise events for the academic and scientific community twice a year, in April and October. In spring, at our Workshop for the editors of (not only) open access journals, we also present the latest
trends in open access publishing from the organisational, technical, and legislative points of view. In October, we celebrate the international Open Access Week, which focuses on different topics related to open science and global sharing of scientific knowledge and expertise. The presentations from all our events are available in the Zenodo repository.

Target groups:  librarians, researchers, academic community.

For more details and recordings of previous workshops, go to:
