Open Science/Open Access Policies
Open Science/Open Access Policies
What is an open science policy?
According to the UNESCO`s guide for open science policies, open science and open access policies can be defined as a set of guidelines, rules, regulations, laws, principles or directions designed to put open science values and principles into practice. Open science policies are essential to foster open science culture and to develop science, technology and innovations that contribute to making research more efficient, trusted, impactful, inclusive and responsive to societal needs. Open science policies can range from community to institutional and national to international policies.
Institutional open science policies
Academic, research institutions and grant agencies create and implement institutional open science policies tailored to their needs and capabilities.
When designing and creating an open science policy, it is necessary to know the existing policies to prevent overlapping or contradiction. Therefore, policymakers should be familiar with current policies and understand how they affect them. Apart from that, they must be able to determine key performance indicators to assess whether the policy has achieved its goals, and they must be able to review and update the policy if the goals are not achieved.
Useful tools and resources in creating an open science policy
Sherpa Romeo: an online resource that aggregates and presents publisher and journal open access policies from around the world.
ROARMAP (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies): a searchable international registry charting the growth of open access mandates adopted by universities, research institutions and research funders that require their researchers to provide open access to their peer-reviewed research article output by depositing it in an open access repository.
Open Access Network: a collaborative project offering information and networking and connecting initiatives to advance and foster open access in research. It also provides guidelines on creating an open access policy.
Open science policies in Slovakia
In Slovakia, there is a new Methodological Recommendation for Developing and Implementing Institutional Open Science Policy for Research Performing Institutions. The document contains methodological guidelines and a model of an open science policy. It is intended for higher education institutions/universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and other research performing institutions. The institution`s management can use the document as its purpose is to provide the information and guidelines and instructions to design and implement an institutional open science policy.
The methodological recommendation and the model of an open science policy are available on the website of the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport and the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information.
Open science/Open access policies of Slovak institutions
- Open Access Policy of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
- Open Science Policy of Matej Bell University in Banská Bystrica:
- Open Science Policy of Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Košice:
- Open Science Strategy of University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava:
Methodological Recommendation on Developing and Implementing Institutional Open Science Policy for Research Performing Institutions (Metodické odporúčanie na tvorbu a implementáciu inštitucionálnej politiky otvorenej vedy pre inštitúcie vykonávajúce vedu a výskum). MINEDU, 2022.